Managing the Work of a Generative AI Startup

All startups face challenges with scaling how they manage work as they grow. In the hyper growth industry of generative AI, these needs are exponentially more challenging to solve. QuebGPT, a generative AI startup, was facing this challenge for a rapidly growing team and engaged FOQUS Partners to solution managing the increasing amount of work spanning sales and marketing, client work, financials for a rapidly growing set of team members.

“With a growing team, I needed a way to ensure everyone was working on the right things and that we didn’t lose track of important tasks.”

– Charles Demontigny, Founder of QuebGPT

Before jumping into tool select and configuration, FOQUS’ first considers the unique people and processes specific to the organization. Once the team(s) are well understand and the processes for the organization are clearly defined, only then do we move to tool selection and defining the right configuration of those tools. After all, a tool is only as good as the processes it supports.

The solution doesn’t end with tool implementation. Especially with rapidly growing organizations, iterative configuration of tools and team member training go hand in hand with the ongoing ceremonies to manage the work. For example, QuebGPT setup a core team responsible for planning and managing the work across all teams. This team meets three times a week to plan, prioritize and track the work across all teams. Without this collaboration, the best work management tool wouldn’t have effective results because of the rapidly changing nature of their organization.

To learn more about how QuebGPT solved the challenge of managing work across diverse teams, check out the video below, which includes a demo of the JIRA implementation.

To discuss how your organization can improve how work is managed: